To Research or Not To Research?

To Research or Not to Research? To Research You Dope!

My research into psychopathy began when I started filling out the character framework of my antagonist. His motivation, needs and deeds were easily developed, but then came the question of what psychosis would he be suffering under? And what would his appropriate responses be while working within the confines of his psychosis? Knowing what my antagonist 's character wasn’t was helpful. He wasn’t a ruthless murderer who kills for no other reason than to satisfy his own warped needs and he wasn’t a dominant personality, capable of bending other to his will. So where does he fall in the land of psychosis? This was what I needed to find out.

Heading to my on-line used book provider, I bought myself a few books on psychopathy and availed myself of the research sites available at my local college library, and discovered some very interesting facts about Psychopathy. Something I found extremely interesting is the notion that most psychopaths exhibit behaviors we usually think of as eccentric or driven behaviors . The self absorbed, unrelenting, no holds barred, slightly dishonest CEO of your company could be a low level psychopath. To find out for certain, you'll have to check in again next week.

Heads up people and keep your wits about you because the next time we come together, you’re going to meet Mr. and Ms. Psychopath and it won’t be pretty. Interesting and scary, but not pretty.

Until then,


Next week: How many psychopaths does it take to make New York City —New York City?


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