To Research or To Not Research? To Research You Dope! Part II

When last we spoke, I left you with the possibility that the CEO of your company could be a psychopath. According to Dr. Robert Hare, author of “Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us”, sub criminal or white collar psychopaths exhibit much of the same behaviors as those who are incarcerated for violent psychopathy. These folks, however, have learned to play the game much better than their incarcerated brethren. These folks also represent a majority of the psychopathic population of the world. (That’s scary!!)

One, of many points I found interesting in reading Dr. Hare’s book, was the idea that white collar psychopaths have an entrepreneurial bent. They are usually admired by those they work with because of their gung-ho, do what it takes to succeed at any cost attitude. Often times their behaviors are not viewed as socially deviant until something the scope of Enron happens which bring their deeds to light.

Sub criminals also exhibit extreme charismatic, type ‘A’ , dominant personalities. This personality type is able to get exactly what they want, how they want it, when they want it. Dr. Hare cites an interview he conducted with a white collar criminal who managed to bilk several renowned banks out of millions of dollars with a false credit report, a handshake and a reassuring smile.

There are many good books and articles out there on psychopathy, several of which I read while I was researching this type of behavior. They were all interesting, informative and frightening in what they revealed and what they didn’t. Did I discover what personality type my antagonist is? No, but I learned what he is not. What he is not is a psychopath. What he is, still remains to be seen.

Bye for now!


JUST AN ASIDE: How many psychopaths does it take to make New York City —New York City?
Dr. Robert D. Hare, The developer of the Psychopathy Checklist, believes there are at least two million psychopaths in North America alone. One hundred thousand of those live in New York City. So apparently it takes 100,000 or so, give or take a few hundred. Scary, isn’t it?

Robert Hare, PhD “Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us.” Guilford Press, 1999


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